Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Well, it has been a while hasn't it?

Since my last blog I have moved house, which meant learning how to use a washing machine and budgeting to pay bills. I have turned 21, which doesn't make me feel as adult as I expected it too, but it did mean that I could afford my second Mulberry handbag with all of that lovely birthday money. I have also begun my MA in Creative Writing, which makes me feel more grown up than turning 21 did.

As for publications? Well, as of yet I have had no advancements in that particular field. I suppose that makes for a pretty boring blog. The closest that I have come since my last announcement (my forthcoming publication in erbacce magazine) is having been shortlisted for the Rhiannon Evans poetry scholarship. Or at least that would be the case if the scholarship had an official shortlist; I was merely informed by Professor Robert Sheppard that if there was a shortlist then I would have came fifth overall. Admittedly, it doesn't sound as impressive as I type up those facts...

At this very moment I am sitting in the university library. I have just been in the audience of a Q&A session with Adam Marek, a short story writer whose collection has been published by Comma Press. I am missing the reading purely because I need to save the £4 ticket fee for bus journeys to and from work, and for buying stamps. Yes, I am still sending out work. That is the one thing that I am most proud of; since my last blog, I have not given up. I show no signs of stopping. I have yet to be penetrated by the fear of rejection, or "the darkness" as Mr Marek very astutely put it. That's something to be proud of, right?

Leaving before I put too much thought into this...
Samantha Stephens

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

The Milestone!

I am very proud to say that I graduated yesterday from Edge Hill University with a BA (Hons) Creative Writing and English. It was a really special and emotional experience that seemed to be over in the blink of an eye. Hopefully, it will be an experience that is repeated next year upon the completion of my MA Writing Studies, but I guess will have to just leave that up to the Gods of hard work, determination and fate for the time being.

Until the MA course begins I intend not to waste my time. I intend to be magnet for publication. Already I have spent many a spare moment browsing the internet and through recommendations of friends and fellow writers for suitable publications in which to showcase my work. Admittedly, my so-called "summer holiday" has seen a few rejections, and no acceptances might I add, but my enthusiasm has yet to wane. I can only see that as a good thing.

May my optimism continue!
Samantha Stephens BA (Hons)

Saturday, 29 May 2010

Black Market Review, Issue 2...

... has gone online and can be found here;


Thursday, 25 February 2010

Reading Cancelled

Just a quick note to say that the reading at The Rose Theatre that was due to take place tonight has been cancelled.

Friday, 5 February 2010

Poetry Reading

It is with some trepidation that I am announcing that I will be reading at Edge Hill University's Rose Theatre on 25th February 2010.

As nervous as I am (and will be during the actual event!), this will be a fantastic opportunity for me to read one of my pieces which will be published in erbacce magazine later this year. Along with myself, a number of my fellow students will also be reading their work before the nights' main event - Sean Bonney - takes over the show.

Tickets are £3.50 and the show starts at 7:30p.m.

I hope to see a few supportive faces in the crowd!

Monday, 1 February 2010

A Very Belated Happy New Year...

... After all, it is 1st February! But as this is my first post of the new year - the new decade, even - it seems like a fitting title for this post.

Just a quick one to let my very meager readership that I have just got an e-mail from Andrew Taylor, editor of erbacce magazine, to let me know that they are going to be publishing some of my poetry later in the year.

Obviously, I'm really pleased because it's the first time I'll be getting published in a magazine or journal that you can physically hold! I'm not too sure when it will be as yet, but I will let you all know when it happens!

So, until then (or anything else particularly exciting happens!), take care!
Samantha Stephens